Stop github asking your username

You are working with a git repository but after first cloning the project to your localhost and trying to push changes afterwards, github is asking for you username and password.

Edit your git configuration and make sure that it uses the git protocol instead of https, so in your ~/project/.git/config file




Exporting all the commits from git after a certain date


You would like to export all the commit comments from your git repository into a text file, after a certain date (ie the last live deployment date).


Use the git log option with the after parameter and redirect the output to a text file like:

git log --after="2012-05-14" --pretty=oneline >> /path/to/file/for/the/commits/export.txt

Some more useful options can be found here

Find out the repositories permissions in gitolite


You would like to know what permission and for which repositories you have as a certain user when using gitolite to host your repositories.


Assuming that your gitolite user is gitolite and you have two different servers (server_a and server_b) with two different users (deploy_a and deploy_b) you can find out the permsissions by running the following:

$server_a/deploy_a: ssh gitolite@git_host info

$server_b/deploy_b: ssh gitolite@git_host info

Using gitolite in a non standard ssh port

You have moved your gitolite server or you want to be able to access your gitolite server behind a firewall and port 22 for ssh is no longer available.

Edit your .git/config file and replace the line with :

url = git_user_name@http://server_ip:repo_name.git

to the following:

url = ssh://git_user_name@external_ip:non_standard_ssh_port/repo_name.git

.gitignore seems that is not working

Your .gitignore file seems that is not working. You have added files there like db/schema.rb, but it keeps tracking the changes to it.

The cause is that the file was added to git version control before it was added in the .gitignore file. To remove the file from git tracking but without removing it from the filesystem use the following:
$ git rm --cached filename_not_to_be_tracked

Gitweb access to gitolite repository

You are trying to set up gitolite access through gitweb but the gitweb page, shows ‘no projects avaiable’ even though you have repositories available.

Try to follow the guide here.
Some of tthe most important steps for having the right access permissions are:

  • Add the www-data user in the gitolite group by:
    $ sudo usermod -a -G gitolite www-data
  • Add the paths to the repositories and the projects list:
    $ sudo vi /etc/gitweb.conf
    $projectroot ="/var/lib/gitolite/repositories";
  • Change the permissions in the repositories:
    $ sudo chmod g+r /var/lib/gitolite/projects.list
    $ sudo chmod -R g+rx /var/lib/gitolite/repositories
  • Change permissions in the /var/lib/gitolite/.gitolite.rc file to allow access to the repositories:
    $REPO_UMASK = 0027;
  • Finally change the git-daemon to run with the gitolite group permissions in the file /etc/sv/git-daemon/run:
    exec chpst -ugitdaemon:gitolite

Upgrading your Rails 3.0.3 application

After the announcements in the previous posts about the security vulnerabilities in Rails 3.0.3, you would like to update your application and deploy with the latest 3.0.4 version.


  • Change your Gemfile to replace
    gem 'rails', '3.0.3'
    gem 'rails', '3.0.4'
  • Run:
    bundle update rails
  • Remove the old gems by using:
    git status
    and then
    git rm name_of_3.0.3_gem
  • Add the new gems to your git
    git add vendor/cache
  • Check in to your repository the new files
    git commit vendor/cache -m 'upgrade to rails 3.0.4'
  • Make sure that you also check in both your Gemfile and Gemfile.lock into your git repository
    git commit Gemfile Gemfile.lock -m 'update Gemfiles to use 3.0.4'
    otherwise when you try to deploy you will see the error:
    You have modified your Gemfile in development but did not check the resulting snapshot (Gemfile.lock) into version control
  • push everything to your git repository:
    git push
  • Deploy your application with capistrano as usual:
    cap deploy
  • Your new gems for 3.0.4 should be installed on the share/bundle folder

Creating a new git repository in Gitorious

You would like to host a new git repository in Gitorius.

Assuming that you have created your initial ruby on rails application, and you have git installed, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new account in Gitorious
  2. Copy your public ssh key (usually in ~./ssh) to your new account in Gitorius
  3. Create a new project in Gitorius (ie My Project)
  4. Add a new repository in Gitorius (ie My Git Repository)
  5. On your local development host initialise the git repository in your project’s directory: git init
  6. Add your remote hosting repository: git remote add origin
  7. Add your project files: git add .
  8. Do your initial commit: git commit -m "Initial commit"
  9. Push your project to the Gitorious repository: git push origin master

capistrano deployment fails after dreamhost server move

You have set up your capistrano recipe for deployment to dreamhost using password less logins, but after dreamhost moves your git repository server to a different server, the deployment breaks, with ‘permission denied’ when trying to get the git repository.

As the server was moved you would need to copy your ssh public key from the deployment server to the new server again for the password-less logins to work again.
Follow the details here how to copy your public key across, login in once with your password, and after that your capistrano recipe should be working again as normal.