You want to be able to use different ruby versions with passenger and by following the article here, you have set up your server to server the second version with a standalone passenger version. If you do that you cannot use the ‘touch tmp/restart.txt’ command to restart the standalone passenger server.
What you would need to do in your config/deploy.rb file, and assuming that your standalone passenger runs on a port (4000) different from the default (3000), is to replace the following:
run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}"
run "cd #{release_path} && passenger stop -p 4000 && passenger start #{current_path} -a -p 4000 -e production -d --pid-file #{current_path}/tmp/pids/ --log-file #{current_path}/log/passenger.4000.log"